
Alpha Ketoanalogues of Essential Amino Acid Tablets

Rivallo contains all amino acids essential for uremic patients, prescribed as treatment of chronic kidney disease patients on conservative management therapy (CKD stage I, II, III).
Ketoanalogues maintains the nitrogen levels and tends to serve as one of the nutrient for CKD patients.
In combination with very low protein diet/ low protein diet, the medication helps in delaying progression of kidney disease in the predialysis period.

Therapy Area: Renal Medicine
Form: Tablet
Packaging: 1X10 tablet




In CKD patients it is very important to neutralize the nitrogenous wastes to prevent further degradation of renal functions. Rivallo, a Ketoanalogue consisting of amino acids and calcium amino acid compounds, in such patients can make use of the nitrogen in non-essential amino acids and turn them into essential amino acids so as to reduce the production of urea nitrogen and relieves the building up of nitrogenous wastes and other toxic substances in the body. Adding Ketoanalogue to very low protein diets for patients with chronic kidney disease could significantly delay dialysis initiation. Ketoanalogue supplementation during Low protein diet may reduce the risk of commencing long-term dialysis or of developing the composite outcome in patients with advanced CKD, especially when used at an appropriate dosage
• Kidney dysfunction
• Chronic Kidney Disease
• Diabetic Nephropathy



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